??????渦旋壓縮機與活塞機相比較有著高效率、振動小、噪音低、 ?結構簡單、體積小、重量輕、可靠性高、經濟性高等特點。
Scrolltype compressor unit is more efficient more reliable,andlighter and with lower vibration, lower noise and smaller sizethan Pistontype compressor unit.
With ?wider capacity ?regulating range,digital ?scrolltypecompressor unit adopts digitalcapacity regulation method,whichmakes it more economical and stable than that with VSD. Theunit is fast in output for dispensed with midterm transition, andmore suitable for systems with fast load changes or large loadspan, such as display cabinet in supermarkets and a series ofrefrigeration systems which require precise ?temperaturecontrol.
(Note: The letter "D" ?in the model code means, besidesstandard ?configuration,digital ?scrolltype compressor ?isoptional.)